Schedules and details!!!

So for all those who want to know the pace of the post-production phase, here is a rough outline that I got from my PSA, along with purchase details:

(1) A final content review and printer file preparation (2 business days).  They will set up these approved files and push my book into the marketplace.

(2) Estimated retail price for my book is $19.95 USD with the current page count of 244. The hardcover version of my book is $29.95 USD. The pricing of the printed versions of your title are set based on page count, trim size, genre, and format. E-book price is $3.99 USD.

(3) After final quality assurance review on the cover and interior files (step (1)) book is sent to printer for activation (10-15 business days). Once this is complete, my book will be “live” or available in the marketplace for purchase.

(4) My book will be available through many online retailers referred to as channels (Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Kindle, e-Reader, Kobo, and of course iUniverse). Each submission channel operates in a slightly different way, and the timelines involved can vary significantly. It generally takes about 6–10 weeks from the time a title is activated at iUniverse to be listed on other retailers’ websites.

 (5) Marketing (Time: INDEFINITE!!!!!)

I will be starting on step (5) as of now hahahaha 🙂

It’s time to set sail and capture the world!!!! Woohooo!!

It's time to set sail and reach out to our dreams! World, ready or not, here I come!
It’s time to set sail and reach out to our dreams! World, ready or not, here I come!

Initial Proofs Done :)

Woohoo, great news everyone!
Though a day has passed, I received an email from iUniverse confirming the final round of author corrections to begin. Now I’m laden with a bunch of proof forms that I would have (if I choose to) to submit, depending on the corrections I make in the book, and the cover.
Here is a short snapshot of the email I received 🙂

Initial Proofs done! Almost and almost there!
Initial Proofs done! Almost and almost there!

So now what is going to happen? Well first am going to be crazy happy, namely because I have finally made it to this stage. My current plans are to pore over the book, I’ve already noted a few mistakes here and there that I would like to change on both the book’s interior as well as cover design etc.

iUniverse is being quite helpful in the sense that they have provided me with a ton of resources to work with 🙂 to help me make my way. I hope to get this final stage of my work done, and the book should be out for production. Marketing will continue as usual, that am not going to give up on. Now that the book is almost out there, I can put my full focus on this, so the world will be seeing more of me 🙂

Loving my life right now, and hoping for greater things to come!


Memories are something to treasure…

So here I am after a long day of work, in my room at the university dorms. I live on the same floor as I did last summer, when I stayed back to do a research project at the University of Alberta.

My journey towards publishing this book started then…and after about

3-4 major edits

30-40 photos

10-15 videos done

and lots and lots and lots of emails sent to iUniverse, marketing consultants, distributors, and etc. etc.

and with lots more to be done as of yet

I am now in the verge of publishing this book. Initially, to get this done, I knew it was going to be expensive so I had started making plans for promotional posters and what not all by myself. But thanks to my family, who have supported me, they have made my dream come true.

Now when I look at this following picture, I can’t help but reminisce once again towards Our Last Summer…we’ve made it this far, only a few more steps, and our story will reach the world!

This picture was taken in the beginning of Autumn 2012. At that point, I had no idea that I would get this far, but i suppose that’s what makes life interesting (or annoying at times), the not knowing of it all hahaha!