Progress (we’re almost there!)

So…this week has been quite eventful.

I spent the weekend literally poring over the interior of the book. Going through each and every chapter, I gotta say, there were some tears shed. I am surprised to how much things have changed from since then to now.

Being limited to 50 free corrections for the interior is quite tough. So far, I’ve written down the changes, though I’ve not kept count! 😛 The cover will be a lot easier to work with as I get complete freedom to do as many changes as I would like.

Put this in between all the other things I’m dealing with in my life: work, moving out to a new place, having fun, and just enjoying every day, while anticipating some exciting things for the near future (engaging with my family, reuniting with someone special 🙂 , taking a break from work, planning for higher studies!!! ) etc. I should be done the changes by this weekend, and submit it next week 🙂

Apparently, it will take a week or two (depending on the volume of changes, though mine aren’t extensive) for the book to be in print and be set in the iUniverse catalog. But my submission will coincide with my full entry into the marketing process. Can’t wait to start, god its going to be fun: calling bookstores, bugging as many people as possible to read my book, getting in touch with the libraries, press-releases, and maybe some book signings to set up! (who knows!!)

My mind is on a whirl right now! Like this guy below!

Perfecto!! :) Can\t wait to begin!
Perfecto!! 🙂 Can’t wait to begin!

Thank you… I love you all…

I would like to take this moment to thank all of those who have helped me get here. I know its a little too early to get emotional, but hey, you’re dealing with a guy who wrote a romantic autobiography on his own life. He is bound to get emotional at some point 😛

I would like to first thank my sweet little sister Annie, who has been the primary source of my motivation to have brought the book to this level, pushing me on at all times to never give up and keep reaching for more.

I LOVE YOU Annie 🙂 I miss all those sleepless nights in Sudan when this book first began to bloom in its potential.

You can do it Bro!! Come on a few more words!
You can do it Bro!! Come on a few more words!

To my family, and I mean, Mom and Dad, I love you two. Thanks for all the support.

Thank you for letting me dream, letting my imagination fly, and supporting me all the way. Dad, I still remember your words, that night in Sudan, when we talked about my future, and you said, “I want you to reach the stars, my boy, and even beyond. Get to the top of the world.” Well, it may not be the exact words, but I know they have been a cause to strive for, and a goal to work towards. I have you and Mom to both thank for that initial spark to send me flying in pursuit of greater aspirations in my life

Fly away, and remember to have fun!
Fly away, and remember to have fun!

This book is a tribute to our bond as a family, something that I cherish deeply. I love you Mom, Dad, and Annie 🙂

One big family adventure :)
One big family adventure 🙂

To all my dear friends, and those who have supported me over the years…simply put, thank you for the wonderful memories and the beautiful moments still to come…

That's what friends are for :)
That’s what friends are for 🙂

And most importantly, I’m grateful to my own life’s lessons…struggles, success, tears, happiness, all the ups and downs…all these experiences have made me the man I am now, and its been quite the adventure…in fact, the adventure hasn’t even begun 🙂 I am eagerly awaiting to see what is there on the other side of the shore, anticipating my future optimistically, as now after all these years…I know that if I believe in myself, something good will happen, and everything will be alright…

Everything will be alright! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!
Everything will be alright! Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite!

More Details!!

Now for some groovy details that I also got in the latest email.

There is still a lot to discuss with my PSA (Publishing Services Associate) in terms of my book’s sale. But so far here are the prospective costs of the books. I never really knew that they decide the cost of the book based on the page count. Well to be more specific, the pricing of the printed versions are based on page count, trim size, genre, and format. My book comes to 244 pages. (Yeah quite a lot of pages, but a story worth telling!)

The estimated retail price for the book is $19.95 USD. This is for the softcover copy, while the hardcover is $29.95 USD. Pricing for the ebook is $3.99. When the book does come out, I really do encourage everyone to hit the bookstores for my sake, to get the book. 20$ for one day, will leave you with a wonderful story to entertain your way!

Each and every page is bound to be interesting, and I can’t wait to share my story with all my friends, family, and the world.

Wait, don't turn the page, this is interesting!!
Wait, don’t turn the page, this is interesting!!

And just as a small sneak peek, I also received a draft copy of what iUniverse had made as a cover for me, though the one that has come out as the final design is so much better!! But for some reason when I look at it and compare it with my own photo, mine looks way better 😛 Hahahaha!

An alternate cover design that was designed :)
An alternate cover design that was made by iUniverse! 🙂

Will show you all the real one, once the book is finally out 🙂

What next!!?

Well now that we are almost on the venue of getting things moving from Proofreading to production stage, I thought it might be time to start my marketing process, a process that involves connecting with all my friends on Facebook, as well all of who have connected with me graciously on this blog.

I once again request of your help to spread word about this blog. Though the wait has been long, we are getting there, and I eagerly anticipate the arrival of my promotional materials and the release of my book, at which point, I hope to give you all greater and better sneak peeks.

It is currently more of a three stage plan involving an exhausting number of phone calls to be made, as well as some cool videos and pictures to upload on Youtube and other websites very soon. Here is a glimpse of a few of the book stores that I have to contact!!!

-Book Off USA
-Books Inc.
-Deseret Book/Seagull Book
-Half Price Books
-Kobo eBookstore
-Librairie Raffin
-Mcnally Robinson

Followed by further plans to advertise through Press-releases, book fairs, and book signings!!! Oh my lord, lots to do!

Marketing is a continual process, and its annoying but hey, no pain no gain!!!
So kudos to sleepless nights and blistering eyes! As my friend Tom would agree…right Tom?

Can't give up...not now!!!
Can’t give up…not now!!!

Once it is all done though, I can hang back and relax…and get some well-deserved rest… is rest...
Finally…it is time…to rest…

While you, my readers and fellow friends, get to do this!

There we are...a book to enjoy, with our family and friends...
There we are…a book to enjoy, with our family and friends…